
From 3706

3706 is located on the eastern edge of North Mountain which is enclosing the Annapolis Valley. Scot's Bay and Cape Split are just north, and the farmlands of Blomidon and Medford are below the cliff the property sits on.

The property sits on a south south-east facing slope. Weather is cooler than in the valley below.


The forest is a semi-dry, fertile Acadian Forest [1] made up of primarily White Ash, Maple, Beech, Birch and Spruce.

The Beech suffer from Beech Bark Disease[2].

White Pine
Soil Preference Moist & Sandy but tolerates most
Shade Tolerance Moderate
Frequency None
Restoration Plan plant in understory and promote
Soil Preference Deep and Fertile
Shade Tolerance High
Frequency High
Restoration Plan Promote canopy trees in beech thickets
White Birch
Soil Preference Moist
Shade Tolerance Low
Frequency High
Restoration Plan Leave as is
American Beech
Soil Preference
Shade Tolerance Medium
Frequency High
Restoration Plan Cut those with Beech Bark Disease to promote those with disease resistant genes
White Ash
Soil Preference
Shade Tolerance Low
Frequency High
Restoration Plan Promote at forest edge.
Hop Hornbeam
Soil Preference moist, well-drained soil.
Shade Tolerance High
Frequency Low
Restoration Plan Promote where present (southwest property edge)

A Land Management Plan will be created to address the usage of the natural resources on the land, including the cutting of wood for Projects.


The soil found through the property is rocky and difficult to dig into. The clay / silt / sand composition has not yet been determined.


St. John's Wort

Wild Sarsaparilla


Black Elderberry

Service Berry




A medicinal mushroom that grows on dying birch trees. Used for Chaga tea.

Turkey Tail

A medicinal mushroom that grows on fallen hardwood such as maple. Used for tincture and tea.


Bald Eagles

A pair of Bald eagles roost nearby on the mountain and can be seen fishing in the Bay of Fundy below. The eagles will occasionally land in the yard.

Snowshoe hare

To Zanna's delight, there was a snowshoe hare[1] spotting on the driveway in the fall, indicating that the land might be an appropriate site for a rabbit farm. We've since seen tracks in the winter.


What appeared to be Bobcat tracks have shown up several times over the course of the winter. We suspect a Bobcat as it is a predator of the Snowshoe hare. A Canada Lynx is another possibility though its range isn't recorded in the area.

Northern Flicker

We had a Northern Flicker[2] fly into a window of the house and it was unfortunately fatal.

American Goldfinch





Fall 2020

This is what we put in the ground during in October and November 2020

  • garlic (several varieties)
  • Japanese weeping maple
  • barberry bush[3]
  • smoke bush[4]


Here is a non-exhaustive list of plants that were planted prior to acquiring the property:

  • Restoring the Acadian Forest 2e
  • Beech Bark Disease in Ontario: A Primer and Management Recommendations