Work Products

From 3706

February 12, 13, 14[edit]

Worked on the Planting plan spreadsheet. This tracks information about plants and their status throughout the year.

February 6 & 7[edit]

Worked on a 3 light fixture.

Worked on a small shelf.

January 24[edit]

Worked on Architectural Plan with Brian Mckay-Lyons and Shane Andrews.

January 16 & 17[edit]

Created topological maps of the site.

Added the Hearth to the wiki.

Added the library to Bookmarks.

December 27th[edit]

Created beeswax-dipped mullin torches.

November 1 & 2[edit]

Turkey Tail, Jarred.jpg

Harvested, bundled and hung Oregano, Thyme, Mint, and more Lemon Balm. They will be used as cooking herbs and teas.

Planted a Weeping Japanese Maple in the yard.

Jarred the dried Turkey Tail.

Discovered a giant rope covered with mosses.

October 24[edit]

Harvested, bundled and hung Lemon Balm to make an oil infusion.

Started restoring a Antique Table and chairs for the kitchen.

Harvested and processed Turkey Tail we discovered earlier this year on some stacked hardwood.

Planted 90 cloves of Garlic in the Yurt garden bed. We used leaves to mulch the bed.

Planted 40 cloves of Garlic in the Magnolia garden bed.

Cleaned out the chimney creosote. From the amount that was cleaned out, decided not to use the wood stove until an inspection could be done.